Here are some notices that you may find of interest. Please check this page regularly for updates and let us know if you have some news to share...
Move to community-wide news here
A journey towards Easter - The story of Holy Week in watercolours by Jenny Hawke
Monday 14 April - Friday 18 April (Good Friday) at St Andrew's Church during normal opening hours
PTA Bake Sale for St Andrew's School
Palm Sunday, 13 April, following the 10.30am service
New Electoral Roll
This year, a new Church Electoral Roll is being prepared. By being on the Roll you are able to vote at the Church’s
Annual General Meeting (this year, on Sunday 27 April).
Everyone who wishes to be included on the Roll must complete an application form by Sunday 30 March. Paper copies of the form are available in church, or the form can be completed on the church website
Please return completed paper forms in the post box in the porch or hand it to a Churchwarden.
Harry runs for National Eczema Society

This coming April, Harry Longman will be running the London Marathon. He is fundraising for the National Eczema Society (NES), a charity which means a lot to him having suffered from a severe form of eczema throughout his life.
Harry says, “In January 2024, I suffered from an intense three-month flare-up covering 75% of my body, which had a drastic effect on my physical and mental wellbeing. For this entire period, I was unable to sleep for more than one hour in the night. Wearing clothes, showering, and moving in general were extremely painful. Thankfully, after many hospital visits and dermatology appointments, I was able to get the condition under control. Thousands of people are suffering from eczema daily, some as severely as my case. I am going through the pain of running the London Marathon on behalf of those people, as a sign of gratitude that I was able to get my life back, and on behalf of the great work that NES do.”
NES provides vital support services such as helplines, support groups and online resources that help suffering individuals and families cope. The funds contribute to research initiatives aimed at understanding the causes of eczema and developing better treatments with the hope of one day finding a cure for all.
You might get the opportunity to speak to Harry after the 10.30am Sunday service and ask him how his training is going. Please help Harry reach his target of £2,000. Any donation, large or small, will be greatly appreciated.
Help to manage the cost of living
Hertfordshire County Council is making sure that advice and support is available to help every resident navigate the cost of living and stay safe and healthy.
If you have any further questions, please contact: VPA.Cell@hertfordshire.gov.uk
If you look after someone who couldn't manage without you, you're a carer. There's support for you, too.
For more information, visit www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/carers

Hertfordshire Health Walks
Timetable available as a pdf here
Free weekly guided walk from Sele Farm

The All Nations Coffee and Bookshop
Wednesday and Friday afternoons 2.00-5.00pm
The Coffee and Bookshop at All Nations are well worth a visit. All Nations is set in beautiful grounds on the Easneye Estate near Ware and is a lovely place to meet friends for a coffee, take a walk in the grounds and buy that book you are after. They have a lovely range of Christian text cards and gifts, too.
And there's a click-and-collect service through St Andrew's Bookshop who provide all the books.
St Andrews Bookshop Ltd
61-65 High Street
Great Missenden
Bucks HP16 0AL
St Andrew’s Facebook page:
You can find event and service details, thought for the day, sermons, photos and updates on the St Andrew’s Facebook page.
Safeguarding at St Andrew’s:
Catherine Sleath is our Safeguarding Officer. If you have any questions or concerns relating to safeguarding for people of any age at St Andrew’s, please get in touch with Catherine (01992 537867).