Based on the Felgild Compline from the Northumbria Community and Night Prayer from the New Zealand Prayer Book.
Sunday evenings at 7.00pm on Zoom
(not on 2nd Sundays when we have Soul Food in the St Andrew's Centre)
Simply click on the link for Compline just prior to the start time (see note above):
(If your connection is poor, logging out and logging back in again may help.)

Please note: Compline returns on Sunday 12 January 2025
In peace we will lie down and sleep; for you alone, Lord, make us dwell in safety.
You are invited to share the ancient service of Compline. This short, spoken service takes its name from the Latin word for ‘completion’ and is intended to mark a quiet end to the day, as we give to our loving God the day that has passed and the night that is to come. The service lasts about 15 minutes.
The words are available as both a PowerPoint and pdf document and so, if you prefer, you can say the service at home. Many like to say it immediately before going to bed.
The leader will light three candles. If you would like to, please also light three candles or a single candle at home.
We light a light in the name of the Maker,
Who lit the world and breathed the breath of life in me.
We light a light in the name of the Son,
Who saved the world and stretched out his hand to me.
We light a light in the name of the Spirit,
who encompasses the world and blessed our souls with longing.
We will light three lights,
For the Trinity of Love
God above us,
God beside us,
God beneath us,
The beginning, the end.
The everlasting one.
Calm me, O Lord, as You stilled the storm.
Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm.
Let all the tumult within me cease.
Enfold me, Lord, in Your peace.
Dear God,
Thank you for all that is good,
for our creation and for our humanity,
for the stewardship you have given us of this planet earth,
for the gifts of life and of one another,
for your love which is unbounded and eternal.
O thou, most holy and beloved,
my Companion, my Guide upon the way,
my bright evening star. Amen
We repent the wrongs we have done:
We have wounded your love.
O God, heal us.
We stumble in the darkness.
Light of the world, transfigure us.
We forget that we are your home.
Spirit of God, dwell in us.
Eternal Spirit, living God,
in whom we live and move and have our being,
all that we are, have been, and shall be is known to you,
to the very secret of our hearts
and all that rises to trouble us.
Living flame burn into us,
cleansing wind, blow through us,
fountain of water, well up within us,
that we may love and praise in deed and in truth.
Eternal Spirit, flow through our being and open our lips,
that our mouths may proclaim your praise.
Let us worship the God of love. Alleluia, alleluia.
A reading, prayer or reflection may be added here.
Keep me, O God, as the apple of an eye;
hide me under the shadow of your wings.
Preserve us, O God, while waking,
and guard us while sleeping,
that awake we may watch with Christ,
and asleep may rest in your peace.
I will both lie down and sleep in peace;
for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.
Nunc Dimittis – from the Book of Common Prayer
Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace:
According to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation;
Which thou hast prepared:
Before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles;
And to be the glory of Thy people Israel.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.
The peace of God be
over me to shelter me,
under me to uphold me,
about me to protect me,
behind me to direct me,
ever with me to save me.
I will lie down this night with God,
and God will lie down with me.
I will lie down this night with Christ,
and Christ will lie down with me.
I will lie down this night with the Spirit,
and the Spirit will lie down with me;
God and Christ and the Spirit
be lying down with me.
The peace of all peace
be yours this night,
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit
Goodnight and may God bless you.
Compline in PDF format
Compline in POWERPOINT format