There is always a delicious selection of home-made cakes and bakes to tempt you, along with fresh coffee, tea and drinks for children. There are usually items for sale and always a very warm welcome.
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April Coffee Morning
Saturday 5 April, 10.30am - 12.30pm
Our April event will be Easter-themed! You'll find a selection of pop-up stalls, children's craft, plus the popular Easter Egg Tombola.
Proceeds will be split equally between local charity
CHIPS (play and groups for children with additional needs) and St Andrew's Church.
March Coffee Morning
Saturday 1 March, 10.30am - 12.30pm
In March, our PCC ran the Coffee Morning and continued our fundraising efforts to install a defibrillator at St Andrew's Church.
The stalls included handmade knits, crafts and cards, second-hand books (fiction and non-fiction) and beautiful Mother's Day gifts. We had live music from the super talented Theo on the piano and a raffle.
A brilliant total of £500 was raised.
February Coffee Morning
Saturday 1 February, 10.30am - 12.30pm
The men of St Andrew's ran our February Coffee Morning, with beer tombola, raffle, live music and the ever-popular sausage and bacon butties (which sold out!) along with cakes and bakes.
An amazing £810 was raised towards our fundraising for a defibrillator to be installed at St Andrew's Church.
January Coffee Morning
Saturday 4 January, 10.30am - 12.30pm
Run by St Andrew's Choir, our New Year Coffee Morning featured a sale of new, unwanted gifts along with live music.
Funds raised went to the St Andrew's Organ Fund & Choir.
In 2024...
December Coffee Morning
Saturday 7 December, 1030am - 12.30pm
Our Christmas Coffee Morning was run by our Toddler Group team, with Christmas cards, gifts and crafts on sale, a raffle and - as always - a delicious selection of homemade cakes and bakes.
All funds raised were split equally between Great Ormond Street Hospital and St Andrew's Church.
November Coffee Morning
Saturday 2 November, 10.30am - 12.30pm
A wonderful opportunity to get ahead with your Christmas planning and support many of our local charities at the same time!
We welcomed local charities (Age UK, British Heart Foundation, Keech, MIND and Oxfam) who were selling their seasonal cards and gifts. Royal British Legion poppies were available and half of our proceeds went to Royal British Legion funds.
October Coffee Morning
The nominated charity we supported at our October Coffee Morning is
Spectrum of Misconception, a social enterprise giving work experience to young adults who have autism, complex needs or disabilities.
Proceeds raised were split equally between Spectrum of Misconception and St Andrew's Church.
September Coffee Morning
St Andrew's
Eco-Church Group ran our September Coffee Morning. The event was in aid of St Andrew's Eco-Church activities (supporting our walk and talks as part of Hertford Council’s Ecofest in September) and the church's audio-visual upgrade.
Oxfam joined us with a range of ethical and sustainable products to buy; organic, free-range eggs were on sale, direct from a local farm; surplus garden and allotment produce was available to buy. A total of £562 was raised.
August Coffee Morning
In August, we marked the 200th Anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, which was an opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to the life savers and to raise funds for the cause.
There were Competitions, a Treasure Hunt, a Mega Raffle with fantastic prizes, a Pop-Up Art Exhibition by Rev. Alan, games for children and a Biscuit Tombola!
Raffle Prizes included:
* Artwork by Rev. Alan * £25 M&S voucher (donated by Hertford St Andrew Community Trust) * Item from Albany Radio * Bottle of Whisky * Box of chocolates (both donated by Carol & David Kemp) * Pen selection for children (donated by St Andrew's Choir) * Artwork by David Quantrill * Floral arrangement (donated by The Wednesday Congregation) *
Proceeds were split equally between the RNLI & St Andrew's Church.
July Coffee Morning
Our July event featured brainteasers, quizzes and puzzles! A total of £280 was raised, with half of the funds going to
Race Against Dementia (and the other half going to St Andrew's Church).
Everyone put their thinking caps on and were invited to have a go at the various fun challenges on offer, alongside enjoying the welcome selection of home baked goodies, freshly brewed tea and coffee.
June Coffee Morning
The PCC ran our Coffee Morning in June with all £409.60 raised going towards the audio-visual upgrade for the church.
Among our stallholders were Pauline Rhodes who sold her
silk cards, posters and sun catchers and signed copies of her book to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. There was also a second-hand book and jigsaw puzzles stall along with superb live music!
May Coffee Morning
The May Coffee Morning was run by the women of the WOW Home Group, and half of the money raised went to Cancer Research UK in memory of the late Julia Spring who was one of their number. She had a love of plants and contributed many of her own for this annual event in past years.
We were also joined by members of the Essex Organists Association and so had the pleasure of hearing a variety of pieces played on St Andrew's organ during the morning.
A total of £630 was raised.
April Coffee Morning
The men of St Andrew's ran our April Coffee Morning, with beer tombola, raffle, the ever-popular sausage and bacon butties - and cakes and bakes, of course!
Catherine Pratt from HertsHelp was with us during the Coffee Morning to share information about the work they do (helping you find independent support, guidance and information to get the most out of life).
The fab fundraising total came to just shy of £500, split equally between St Andrew's Church and FUTUREhope Hertford & Ware (helping young people in the local area reach their full potential).
The proceeds raised at each Coffee Morning are split 50/50 between St Andrew's Church and the nominated charity each month.