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Past events

Here you'll find information and pictures from events that have taken place at St Andrew's - click on the links to see more!

Away Day - April 2024

158The joint parish Away Day has become an annual fixture in the calendars of St Andrew’s and St Mary’s and was eagerly anticipated by over 80 people this year and we spent a wholehearted day together at St Joseph’s in the Park School, Hertingfordbury.

Eliza Carthy - January 2024

Eliza Carthy (by Judith BurrowTo say that Eliza Carthy is a ‘talented musician’ is an understatement. She has been performing since she was 13 and has conquered the world of folk music, with a long list of awards and prestigious collaborations with other folk celebrities.


The Churchfitters 22 12 23 SquThe Churchfitters - December 2023

A fabulous two-hour set of original and cover songs on a variety of instruments, including a banjo made from an old saucepan, a musical saw and their famous ‘glass organ’, a tray of wine glasses filled with different levels of water, played by rubbing the rim of the glasses to produce an ethereal sound.


Kris Drever CroppedKris Drever - November 2023

A brilliant, virtuoso concert from Kris Drever, the winner of several BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. He was thrilled to play St Andrew’s; St Andrew’s was thrilled to have him.


Railway Day Event ImageRailway Day - November 2023

We welcomed an estimated 800 model railway enthusiasts and interested observers of all ages - great interest for the adults and delight for the children as they were mesmerised by all the trains.

Fairport 2023 4 piece (002)Fairport Convention - November 2023

Fairport Convention returned to play the altar stage at St Andrew’s having been impressed by the acoustics in the church and the warm hospitality on their visit in 2022.

Forever Mine playForever Mine - October 2023

John Newton’s journey from slave trader to evangelical Christian and slave abolitionist is remarkable and was brought to life vividly by the Living Breath theatre company in a play called Forever Mine, presented on the St Andrew’s altar stage at the end of October 2023.

Band at Harvest Fest 2023Harvest Fest - October 2023

At midday on 7 October, Harvest weekend was ushered in with a peel of the church bells. A visiting company of ringers swung into action and relayed a beautiful sound across the town. By 1.00pm, the doors were open for visitors to enjoy hospitality inside the church.

JackHancher100623HFofM: Jack Hancher - June 2023

Part of this year's Hertfordshire Festival of Music, we were delighted to host classical guitarist Jack Hancher in the beautiful surroundings of St Andrew's Church. Described by Gendai Guitar Magazine as a “poet and a painter, colouring sounds out of the guitar as if his imagination and the guitar were one”, Jack Hancher is a rising star of the classical guitar. 


Sam and Cara in the blue of thCara Dillon - March 2023

Northern Irish folksinger Cara Dillon has the voice of an angel; it pierces the perfect acoustics of St Andrew’s like pure crystal, and she sings with such fluency and authority that she holds the audience spellbound. 

Living with dementia 2 600x400Living with Dementia - February 2023

An introduction to dementia followed by a Q&A provided an overview of what dementia is (and isn’t), what we know about the experience of getting a dementia diagnosis and what, post diagnosis, can be helpful for the person with dementia and those who support them.

ADVERT  GigspannerGigspanner Big Band - February 2023

"With the Gigspanner Big Band, Peter Knight has assembled a group of musicians intent on making some of the most important and exhilarating art ever to sit under the banner of folk music." Folk Radio UK 

Ralph McTell Chris SewardRalph McTell - November 2022

McTell is the latest in the growing line of premier folk performers to grace the altar stage at St Andrew’s. He comes with a professional career spanning 50 years; a catalogue of over 200 original songs and collaborations with some of the most famous folk musicians around.

HarvestFest cropHarvest Fest - October 2022

We welcomed over 350 people into the church for Harvest Fest, with World Food and Hertfordshire beers, a splendid Harvest Raffle and wonderful musicians who kept visitors entertained. We donated 25% of proceeds raised to Christian Aid.
The event also featured Hertford Scarecrows in the Churchyard!

Chris Jon Pat 23 09 22Jon Boden - September 2022

The latest folk artist to grace the altar stage at St Andrew’s, Jon Boden stands six feet tall and commands our attention immediately.


Great Model Train RaffleRailway Day - July 2022

Our one-day event at St Andrew's saw hundreds of people enjoy all things railways! With Railwayana, local children’s author and artist Pauline Hazelwood, a model railway trade stand, and themed activities for children, too. There was also a fantastic Great Model Train Raffle!

queens platinum jubilee englisJubilee in the Churchyard: May-June 2022

We love a seasonal display in our churchyard at St Andrew's!

So, what better way to mark Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee than creating a very special experience for all to enjoy.

Fairport DavePegg 060522Fairport Convention - May 2022

The stained glass is glowing in the evening sun. The audience is murmuring expectantly in the pews. The makeshift bar by the font is serving beer with the wine. This is a church but a different communion is about to be served. Please welcome to the altar, Fairport Convention.

BeerAndCarols2021 4Beer and Carols - December 2021

The weather was fine, the temperature (for December) was warm, the churchyard was prepared for visitors - and they arrived! Around 170 people attended our Beer and Carols in the Churchyard - it was wonderful to see so many enjoying the singing and the fellowship.

PartridgeInAPearTree crop212 Days of Christmas: December 2021 - January 2022

Do you think of The Twelve Days of Christmas as traditional ladies in long dresses and men in top hats? See what St Andrew's made of it all!

Exhibition 4Churchyard Display - October 2021

To accompany the Our Lockdown in 30 Objects Exhibition at St Andrew's, and to reflect our Harvest theme of Thankfulness, the churchyard at St Andrew's came alive with examples of how we experienced Lockdown.

St Andrews 09bLockdown Exhibition - October 2021

The collection of 30 objects and stories gave an insight into how life has been throughout this time for a cross-section of our community, and we hoped that visitors also found echoes of their own personal experiences in it.

20210828 152801The Story of Noah 2021

The animals went in two by two! Throughout August, we watched as the story of Noah unfolded in our Churchyard...


Easter 1 - rabbits and sheepEaster 2021

Once again, church was brought outside into the churchyard - this time as we told the Easter Story. The crowds laid palms in front of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on a donkey; the Easter story unfolded with the Last Supper and Good Friday Cross; and the joy of Easter Sunday was celebrated with colourful signs of new life!

Missing You at St Andrew's FebMissing You 2021

For two weeks in February, Missing You trees appeared in the churchyard at St Andrew's. You were invited to write on a red heart who or what you were missing then hang it on the tree.

There was an amazing response from the community as many visitors added their Missing You hearts to the trees.


Nativity 1Nativity 2020

Our life-size Nativity developed in the churchyard at St Andrew's during Advent.


Scarecrows at St Andrew's 1Scarecrow Fest 2020

Some special visitors took up residence at St Andrew's Church during Hertford's Scarecrow Fest...


Beer & Carols 2019

The weekend before Christmas and St Andrew's was full of people of all ages enjoying carol singing, cask ale, mulled wine, Christmas craft, winter wonderland model railway, nativity photo booth and lots more.


Melrose Quartet (Credit Lizzy Melrose Quartet - live at St Andrew's

A Christmas Concert like no other! St Andrew's is gaining a growing reputation as a great venue for folk concerts and it was no surprise to hear lead Melrose singer Jess Arrowsmith introduce the band's two-hour set with, "Wow, playing in a church! This is a first for us. What a fantastic place to play and sing a few Christmas songs and carols."


Steve Knightley St A June2019 Steve Knightley - live at St Andrew's

Playing as an acoustic singer songwriter for over 40 years, Steve Knightley has built a reputation as one of England’s most accomplished folk performers. It caused quite a stir in Hertford folk circles and the local area when it was announced that he would be playing at St Andrew's as part of his 2019 solo tour.


Third Hope Requiem

The De Merc Chamber Choir, directed by Alison Smart Fisher, performed a special Requiem for charity Third Hope Africa at St Andrew's Church in April 2019. All profits from the retiring collection went towards working for the long-term rehabilitation of ex-child soldiers in Northern Uganda.


LightParty3 311018GraveLightLight Party

The church was full of families who came to the party and enjoyed the pumpkin carving, lantern making, face paints, photo booth, crafts, challenges, quiz, food and more.


The March St A 290918 cast marThe March

Local theatre company Pins & Feathers brought their play The March to St Andrew’s in September 2018.
Written by Kate Miller to celebrate the centenary of women gaining the vote in Parliamentary elections, The March was based on the real-life stories of Hertfordshire women who fought for change and featured the extraordinary Great Pilgrimage of July 1913, in which thousands of Suffragists from all over the country marched to London to demonstrate peaceful mass support for the vote.


Beer Festival 080918 gSt Andrew's Beer Festival 2018

We welcomed more than 500 adults, plus many young children, to our 2018 Beer Festival. It was a marvellous success that far exceeded our expectations. Beers began to sell out from 5.30pm, all the pasties and sausage rolls were gone by 6.00pm and people kept coming through the gate until nearly 8.00pm.


Martin Simpson 1Martin Simpson - live at St Andrew's

One of the most skilled folk guitarists currently playing on the British and American folk scene performed live at St Andrew's in April 2018. It was a real coup that Martin chose to play a gig with us; he said the acoustics in the nave were ‘unbelievably clear and beautiful’.


PASS-308First Light: A Passion Play for Hertford  

Staged Easter 2015 at St Andrew's, First Light was a bold reimagining of the story of Jesus' last days.


Hello and welcome to St Andrew's. If you are new, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Banner group 1140x320A Warm Hello 

No one belongs here more than you.

We look forward to meeting you! Here's some information so that if you're planning a visit you know beforehand what to expect on a Sunday morning.  We have other pages telling you more About Us, our approach to Faith and our Online services.

Where and When

We meet at the Church Building (details below) for our main Sunday Service starting at 10.30am. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to ensure you find a parking space and can settle in before the service begins. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.

Plan your journey:
While, unfortunately, St Andrew's does not have its own carpark, there is a council-run pay and display carpark a short distance along St Andrew Street, to the east of the church; there is a £1.50 flat-rate charge for parking in this carpark on Sundays (though half an hour or less is free).

This is a useful East Herts Council website page for full details of parking in Hertford.

There are single yellow lines outside the church with parking restrictions, but some 30-minute parking bays are situated on the opposite side of the road for short stays (longer on Sundays).

Open Google Maps

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There is a disabled toilet towards the back of the church, behind the kitchen.

Our Service

The service will usually begin promptly at 10.30am and will last between 60 and 75 minutes. We enjoy the presence of an excellent choir who help us sing hymns (modern and traditional) as well as provide anthems and special songs through the period of communion. We have a traditional organ but also benefit from music played on the piano and by our band (eg on the Second Sunday of each month when we have an All-Age Service in which our children and young people are fully involved).

Each 10.30am service includes a sermon, prayers and eucharist.

After the service, everyone is invited for coffee and conversation - some like to stay for a quick chat while others remain in the church for a longer time.


Children and Young People

Children are never too young to come to church. You and your children are very welcome at St Andrew’s. 

We really value worshipping God together as a family, so children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the service before being invited to leave for the young people's activities after the first hymn. Junior Church meets in the St Andrew's Centre (our adjoining hall), accessed through the church on Sunday mornings. You will need to go with your children to their groups and register them as part of our child safety policy.

The children and young people then return to the main service in time to join the eucharist and, if confirmed, take Holy Communion or, if not, receive a blessing. We offer a little box of raisins to children being blessed at the altar.

There is a Children's Corner in church where you can go at any time. You will find books, toys and drawing materials there.

Toilet and baby-change facilities are located at the back of church, behind the kitchen.

There's more information here: Children and Young People at St Andrew's

Junior Church celebration

Getting Connected

Home Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week. Check out Home Groups on our website and see if there’s one that you could join. Alternatively, speak to a member of the Welcome Team who will give you the information that you need.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. Please contact Phil in the Church Office.

Get in touch with us
If you have any questions, please do get in touch. You'll find our contact details here.

We hope that you will feel at home at our church.

Group photo at the top of the page taken by Tim Pike