It's a real privilege to accompany couples who wish to have their wedding ceremony at St Andrew's on their journey towards marriage.
It is really important to us that each couple feels part of our community and we encourage them to get to know folk through attending services and social occasions. We are committed to supporting each couple through marriage preparation and prayer.
If you would like to discuss the arrangements and legal requirements for marrying at St Andrew's, please contact Karen, our Wedding Administrator:
Karen Cox Email: Tel: 07990 578749
Here are some frequently asked questions about getting married in church:
Can I get married at St Andrew’s?
If you or your parents live in St Andrew’s parish, you can get married at St Andrew’s church. There are also lots of other ways you can qualify to get married here. For details, check, as this outlines the rules. Or contact us directly.
How much will it cost?
The basic cost is about £544 (2025) and most people like to have the organ and bells, which do cost extra. Full fee information available here.

Can we be involved in planning the service?
Definitely. The priest who will lead the ceremony will want to talk with you about hymns, music and readings, and about the printed Order of Service if you are having one. The core of the service is fixed but there is scope to craft much of it to reflect your own approach.
Should we have one or two rings?
In previous generations, usually only the bride wore a ring; nowadays, most couples have two rings. The choice is entirely yours. A wedding ring is a symbol of unending love and faithfulness, and of the commitment you are making to each other, whether you both wear it or only one.
Does the bride have to wear white?
The style and colour of the bride’s dress – and the bridegroom’s outfit – is for you to decide.
Does the bride have to be “given away”?
“Giving away” has never been part of the religious service but is often a nice symbol that the families are supporting the marriage. Traditionally the bride’s father “gave her away” but anybody can do this; and there are more modern formulas if those words seem too old-fashioned.
Can we have a video recording of the service?
Yes, but please remember to ask well in advance, so we can arrange that the videographer (and the photographer) do not disrupt the solemnity of the service. There is also
an extra fee payable to the organist if the music is recorded.
Do you have rehearsals?
A rehearsal in church (including the couple, Best Man, a bridesmaid, an usher and whoever is “giving away” the bride) within the 10 days or so before the wedding, is really useful in getting everybody comfortable about the words and where people stand and sit. Because everybody’s diaries get full, the sooner this is fixed the better.
What about flowers in church?
You can organise your own flowers or the church flower arrangers will create a display for you, for which there is a fee. We don't have church flowers in Lent and Advent, but you are welcome to provide your own and then take them away after your ceremony.
Is it possible to have a church blessing if we get married abroad or in a civil ceremony?
Yes, in most cases. The service reflects the fact that the couple are already married but can include or leave out most of the features of the wedding ceremony.
Can I still get married in church if I'm divorced?
The Church believes that marriage is for life. But it also recognises that, sadly, some marriages do fail. In some circumstances, the Church accepts that a divorced person may marry again. The Priest will want to talk to you, with care and sensitivity, but frankly, about your past experiences and your hopes for the future.
I’m Church of England and the other party is of another Christian denomination. Does that matter?
We welcome couples from all Christian backgrounds; and we welcome the participation in the service of clergy from other denominations (although the vows must be made before Church of England clergy ). If one party is from a non-Christian faith, parts of the service can reflect that faith.

Discover all you need to know about Church of England weddings and blessings at:
With thanks to Mike & Lucy, whose photos appear on this page from their wedding at St Andrew's in September 2013. Images courtesy of Matt Heath Photography